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Indicted For Assault With Intent To Kill The Only Clash Between The Military And Civil Authorities During General Wallace's Administration

June 25th, 1865, the Baltimore papers said: "Lieut. Smith, Wm. Earle,

Kraft, and Babcock, of Colonel Woolley's office, were indicted for

assault with intent to kill one Jacob Ruppert."

General Wallace had always encouraged the civil authorities, so that the

establishment of martial law might be as little burdensome as possible

on the citizens. In this instance the fact of the military being yet in

was overlooked. This Ruppert kept a low saloon on "the

Causeway," one of the hardest spots in Baltimore. I had sent for him to

report to me. He scorned the invitation; accordingly I went to his

place. He blocked the doorway. I pulled him out, a scuffle ensued and he

bled some, but came away with me. His (Ruppert's) father had some

political influence from being able to control votes on "the Causeway";

he asked for an indictment. A warrant was issued from Judge H. L. Bond

(Judge Bond was a Union man).

Jake Dukehardt, a deputy sheriff, met me on Baltimore Street, and

informed me he held the warrant for my arrest. I assured him it would be

foolhardy to try to execute it, for one of us would certainly be

injured. I recommended him to report to Judge Bond, and I assured him I

would be responsible for the results.

Judge Bond called on General Wallace, and explained how impossible it

was to withdraw the order. General Wallace advised the judge to use his

own judgment, but telling him, at the same time: "If you take Smith, I

will place Alexander's Battery on the hill opposite the jail and blow it

down." This was the only clash between the military and civil

authorities under General Wallace's administration.

