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Attack And Defense
Advancing The Attack
It is now necessary to advance the attack to a point where the rifle is effective, so the attacking line can gain fire superiority. The attack which halts to open fire at extreme range (over 1200 yards) is not likely to ever reach its destination ...
Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Defensive
The defense has the following advantages over the attack: (1) Troops attacking afford a better target than the troops on the defensive. (2) A larger amount of ammunition is usually available. (3) The men can shoot better because they are no...
Advantages Of The Attack
(1) You can elect the point of attack while the defender must be prepared to resist at all points. (2) The fact that you are advancing in spite of the defender's fire stimulates you and depresses the enemy. (3) You leave your dead behind whil...
Different Kinds Of Attack
The most usual kinds of attack are: Frontal Attack. This attack is delivered directly against the front of the enemy. It offers little opportunity to bring more rifles against the enemy than he can bring against you. Decisive results can only be...
Disadvantages Of The Defense
(1) The defender surrenders the advantage of the initiative as the attacker can elect the point of attack and the defender must be prepared at all points. (2) The defender must fight amidst his dead and wounded which is depressing. (3) The d...
Preparing A Defensive Position
Now let us suppose ourselves as part of a battalion that is to occupy a defensive position. What would probably be done? How and in what order would it be done? What would the major do? He would decide upon the kind of defense (active or passive) ...
Relieving The Outpost
Evening and shortly before dawn are hours of special danger. The enemy may attack late in the day in order to establish himself on captured ground by intrenching during the night; or he may send forward troops under cover of darkness in order to m...
Requisites Of A Good Defensive Position
If you were looking for a good defensive position, what points would you have in mind and of these points, which would be the most important? The requisites to be sought in a good defensive position are: (1) A clear field of fire up to the ...
The Actual Attack
Deployment. To deploy means to extend the front. When does a column extend its front or prepare to fight? When open terrain, which will probably expose the troops to hostile artillery fire, is reached. This place may be two or more miles from the ...
The Charge
There can be no rule to tell you when to charge. It may be from 25 to 400 yards. The common sense (tactical instinct) of the senior ranking officer on the firing line must tell him the psychological moment to order the charge. That moment will be ...
The Fire Attack
The fire attack commences when the infantry in the firing line first opens fire and it usually ends with the charge. A charge is sometimes not necessary because the enemy withdraws from his position. The fire attack does not start until the firing...
The Theory Of Attack
Decisive results are obtained only by the offensive. Aggressiveness wins battles. If you want to thrash a man go after him; don't wait for him to come to you. When attacking use every available man. Have every man in the proper place at the proper...
The Theory Of The Defensive
The defensive is divided into the purely passive defense and the active defense. The passive defense seeks merely to delay the enemy. The results can never be other than negative. It is usually for the purpose of gaining time and most frequentl...