Trip To New York Regarding One Thomas H Gordon
Headquarters, Middle Department,
8th Army Corps.
Baltimore, Aug. 13, 1864.
Special Order No. 111.
1st Lieut. H. B. Smith, Commanding Detective Corps, 8th Army
Corps, will proceed to New York on business connected with
this office. After completing his search and investigation he
will return to these headquarters without delay.
Quartermasters will furnish transportation.
By command of Major General Wallace.
Lt. Col. & Pro. Marshal.
The following is the report of the case I went to New York about:
Headquarters, Middle Department,
8th Army Corps.
Baltimore, Aug. 24, 1864.
Lt. Col. Woolley,
Provost Marshal.
Colonel.--I have the honor to report the following in the
case of Thomas H. Gordon, paymaster.
I have on your order procured the check book ordered by him.
Mess. Hoen & Co. say they have written to Nashville and
Washington but have had no reply.
I also hand you two letters, one from Gordon and one from
Galloway, both in the same handwriting, as you will see on
close examination.
Gordon represents himself as Captain.
The checks are entirely different from the usual paymaster's
checks that are furnished by the United States depository.
I am, Colonel,
Very respy. your obdt. servt.,
Lt. & Chief.