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Introducing Christian Emmerich And Incidentally Charles E Langley A Noted Confederate Spy

For the purpose of showing how I grew in the service I will ask you to

read each order carefully. Sometimes they explain themselves, sometimes


Investigations started in the prisons required work to be done outside

the garrison, throughout Maryland and perhaps into Virginia, which would

carry me outside our post limits and required authority from Department

commanders. The Department comprised Marylan
, parts of Delaware and

Virginia. The following personal letter was addressed to Colonel W. S.

Fish, Provost Marshal under General Schenck:

Headquarters, Fort McHenry,

Nov. 27, 1863.

Dear Colonel.--Our Assistant Provost Marshal, Lieut. Smith,

has got hold of a sloop and her Captain. He was to be examined

before you, but Smith says that McPhail's men have other and

earlier accounts to settle with him. I suggest this as you may

have a great deal to do and may prefer to transfer the case to

those already familiar with it.

Very truly,


Col. 8th N. Y. V. Arty.,

Com'd'g Post.

The following will show my progress in such matters:

Headquarters, Middle Department,

8th Army Corps.

Office Provost Marshal,

Baltimore, Dec. 23, 1863.

Lieut. H. B. Smith, Assistant Provost Marshal, Fort McHenry,

is hereby authorized to visit and search any house in the City

of Baltimore that he has good reason to believe contains Rebel

mail, or any treasonable matter.

By order,


Col. and Provost Marshal General,

8th Army Corps.

My work at Fort McHenry absolutely required freedom to act outside.

Office Provost Marshal,

Fort McHenry, Jan. 8, 1864.


Colonel Fish,

Provost Marshal, 8th Army Corps.

Dear Sir.--I am at last able to report that we have gotten

underway an underground correspondence between Trought and

Emmerich. At first the correspondence was unimportant (which

was, of course, policy for them), but now they have become

confidential. I, with some others, intend to enlist in the

Rebel service, but my plan is too long to explain here.

Now, Colonel, if you will drop a line to Colonel Porter,

asking him to allow me to organize a squad of reliable men,

say twelve or fifteen, and instruct them, whom we can call

upon at any time, we will guarantee to show some rich

developments inside of three weeks.

Emmerich is not alone but is connected with some of the

largest houses in Baltimore.

Trusting this will meet your approval, I am, Col.

Very resp'y,


Lt. and Asst. Pro. Mar.

This was officially approved first by Colonel Fish, and then by Colonel


Office Provost Marshal,

Fort McHenry, Jan. 26, 1864.

Col. P. A. Porter,

Commanding 2d Separate Brigade,

Defences of Baltimore.

I respectfully beg leave to lay before you the following and

ask for authority to proceed further.

Four recruits for the Rebel Army are in Baltimore, also two

Rebel officers. I want authority to follow them and make the

arrest when about to cross the Potomac, thus implicating all

the parties connected in recruiting for the Rebel Army in and

about Baltimore. I have it so arranged that it will be

impossible for them to get away from me, if I am allowed to

proceed. And as I have some more operations in process of

development, I would respectfully ask to have the authority

extended to cover them also.

I could make some of these arrests in Baltimore, but as it is

perfectly safe, by allowing them to get a little further, it

would make the case a still more fatal one for the parties


I am, Colonel, Very Resp'y,

Your Ob'd't Serv't,


Lt. and Asst. Pro. Mar.

The endorsement on the back of the above paper has always been a source

of gratification. No man from New York State was ever more highly

esteemed than Colonel Porter. He was talked of for Governor. A brave,

true, and generous man, loved by all. He was killed at Cold Harbor,

leading his regiment. His body was dragged back to our lines in the

darkness of the night.

Headquarters, 2d Separate Brigade,

Defences of Baltimore.

Jan. 26, 1864.

I approve of the proceedings of Lieut. Smith, who has my

entire confidence as an upright and skillful officer. I have

referred him to the Provost Marshal for advice, instruction,

and authority.


Col. 8th N. Y. V. Arty.,

Commanding 2d Separate Brigade.

On the same day the application was approved at Department Headquarters.

The centre around which this recruiting and other disloyal schemes

revolved was one Christian Emmerich, a fashionable shoemaker on South

Gay Street. His place was a convenient centre for all important

Confederate sympathizers. His residence was in a fashionable part of the

city. We were entirely successful, capturing the whole party, including

a conductor on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, who was caught

transporting these recruits, well knowing their character. We

simultaneously seized the Christian Emmerich store on South Gay Street,

and his residence; in the latter we found much incriminating evidence,

such as orders for Confederate uniforms, gold braid, buttons and

Confederate letters. Emmerich was not a common mender of "old soles,"

but was the shoemaker to the bon-ton of Baltimore. We entirely destroyed

the Confederate recruiting business conducted through that channel.

I have a photograph of the conductor referred to, taken together with

his pal or partner, who was a spy. The spy's name was Charles E.

Langley. I will tell you all about him and his mysterious backing when I

come to my regular work in December, 1864, where his statement is


