Secretary Of War Consulted About The Extension Of Our Territory To Include The District Between The Rappahannock And The Potomac Rivers
Headquarters, Middle Department,
8th Army Corps.
Baltimore, Mch. 18, 1865.
Lieut. Smith:
I want to see you at the office this evening at 7.30.
The Secretary of War wants to see you in Washington, and you
will have to go to-morrow morning.
Yours, &c.,
A. Adjutant Gen
I do not remember what the Secretary wanted, but as the following order
issued the next day, I assume it was to learn more of my purpose in the
extended territory asked for:
War Department,
Washington, D. C.,
Mch. 20, 1865.
Major W. H. Wiegel:
Provost Marshal at Baltimore is authorized to extend his
operations into the region between the Potomac and
Rappahannock Rivers known as the northern neck of Virginia.
(Signed) C. A. DANA,
Asst. Secretary of War.
Headquarters, Department of Missouri,
Office of Provost Marshal General,
St. Louis, Mo., Mch. 21, 1865.
Provost Marshal General,
Middle Department,
Baltimore, Md.
Sir.--In October last, the Military Prisons of this city being
in danger from the Rebel forces under Major General Sterling
Price, it was deemed prudent by General Rosecrans, then in
command of this Department, to transfer the occupants to the
Alton Prison. While this transfer was in progress, one of the
prisoners, Robert Loudan, alias Charles Veal, made his escape
from the guards by cutting his irons and jumping from the boat
into the river. He was then under sentence of death for being
a spy and a boat burner.
Loudan was lately heard from at New Orleans, where it was
reported he was in the custody of the Military authorities,
by whom he was subsequently released for the want of
sufficient evidence to hold him.
It is possible he has gone beyond our lines, but, if not, he
would be likely to make for some of the large cities of the
loyal States.
Loudan is a native of Philadelphia, where his wife now
resides; height, about five feet eight inches; complexion,
fair; large blue eyes constantly rolling and displaying a
great deal of white; hair and whiskers, fair; square
shoulders; usually wears a false moustache; wears his hat on
the back of his head.
This office is charged with his execution, and will incur any
amount of trouble to recapture him. If he is found within the
limits of your jurisdiction, please secure and forward him to
me or notify me of his arrest and I will send for him.
Very respectfully,
Your obdt. servt.,
Col. & Provost Marshal.
Headquarters, Middle Department,
8th Army Corps.
Baltimore, Mch. 31, 1865.
Special Order No. 55.
Lieut. H. B. Smith, 5th N. Y. H. Arty., Commanding Detective
Corps, Middle Department, 8th Army Corps, will proceed to
Washington, D. C., for the recovery of a colored boy,
kidnapped from Norfolk, Virginia, and will report to the
Provost Marshal of Washington, for any assistance he may
By command of Bvt. Brigadier General W. W. Morris.
Major & Actg. Provost Marshal.