Captain Beckwith Convicted
Along about August and September, 1865, the Government ordered
surveillance of all gambling houses, to discover if disbursing officers
were gambling. This was my first experience in the art. It was a free
school, for the tuition was on Uncle Sam. The lessons have served me all
my life, and I have never wanted to go to that school since.
We appropriated from five to ten dollars an evening, to be spent in each
house visited, depending on its standing. That gave us entry and made us
welcome so that we could spend the evening. I gambled and observed,
along with Captain Beckwith. I saw him win, and also saw him lose; lose
far more than he could afford to. That was his undoing. Powerful
interests were extended in his behalf and he was pardoned. Now read the
two documents following:
War Department,
Adjutant General's Office.
Washington, October 19, 1865.
General Court Martial.
Orders No. 584.
The action of Major General Hancock, Commanding the Middle
Department, designating the Penitentiary at Albany, New York,
as the place of confinement in the case of Captain D. L.
Beckwith, 22d Regiment Vet. Reserve Corps, Assistant
Commissary of Musters, sentenced by a General Court Martial
"to forfeit all pay that is now or may become due him to the
date of promulgation of this sentence; to be cashiered and to
be forever disqualified from holding any office of trust or
emolument in the service of the United States, and to be
confined for two years without pay, at hard labor at such
penitentiary or Military Post as the Commanding General of
this Department may direct."
This sentence to be published as presented by the 85th Article
of War, as promulgated in General Orders No. 23, dated
Headquarters Middle Military Department, Baltimore, Maryland,
Oct. 10, 1865. Is approved. By order of the Secretary of War.
Assistant Adjutant General.
Assistant Adjutant General.
Middle Military Department,
Office Provost Marshal General,
Baltimore, Oct. 29, 1865.
Special Order No. 127.
I. Special Officer, H. B. Smith, with one guard will proceed
to Albany, New York, in charge of prisoner D. L. Beckwith. On
arriving at Albany he will deliver the prisoner with
accompanying papers to Amos Pillsbury, Superintendent of the
Albany Penitentiary; receiving receipt he will report with the
guard at these headquarters without delay.
Quartermaster's Department will furnish transportation.
By command of Major General Humphreys.
Bvt. Brigadier General & Provost Marshal.
The "one guard" detailed to accompany me was General Woolley. He wanted
a little rest and availed himself of this opportunity. Upon our arrival
in Albany I hunted up my cousin, Edgar Jerome, who spent the evening
with us at the Delevan House. We had a delightful evening listening to
the General's stories. He was a charming story teller. Ed will remember
especially his rendering of "The Arkansas Traveller."
Now, Nettie, don't find fault with your history because your Uncle is
not mentioned in its lines. In the histories of great events, such as
our Civil War, it is an honor to be, even though hidden, "between the
lines." Thousands who are mentioned in written history to-day will not
be there when it becomes more ancient. Later on, when other great events
crowd, only three names may remain. Lincoln, Grant, Lee. Perhaps still
further on, only Lincoln, the martyr for liberty's sake, may be found.
Much of my work was between the lines of the two contestants, a more
dangerous place than in the lines, for I was exposed to the bullets and
sabres of both Southern and Northern Armies.