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Military Handbooks: The Plattsburg Manual

1. Take great pains each morning to make a neat, small and solid pack

and strap it up securely.

2. Don't put your pack on until ordered to do so by your company

commander or first sergeant.

3. Get your pack properly adjusted.

4. Don't take your equipment off during the halts allowed for resting.

5. Don't eat anything or patronize the soft drink stand during a marc

6. Retire early and get a good night's rest.

7. Use only heavy or light wool socks and see that they fit perfectly.

If you cannot wear wool socks, try cotton and then silk socks.

8. Don't overeat or overdrink.

9. A light pair of sneakers or canvas tennis shoes are serviceable for

camp wear in the afternoons and are restful to the feet.

10. Each morning sprinkle a little talcum powder or footease in the


11. Keep the bowels functioning properly. Should you become constipated,

report to the doctor for medicine before you begin to feel badly.

12. Clean your mess kit immediately after each meal.

13. Respect the property of others.

