Military Correspondence
Military Handbooks:
The Plattsburg Manual
An official letter should refer to one subject only.
In writing to the War Department address your letter to The Adjutant
General of the Army, Washington, D. C.
The United States (including colonies) is divided into the following
(1) The Northeastern Department, with Headquarters at Boston,
(2) The Eastern De
artment, with headquarters at Governors Island,
New York.
(3) The Southeastern Department, with Headquarters at Charleston,
South Carolina.
(4) The Central Department, with Headquarters at Chicago, Illinois.
(5) The Southern Department, with Headquarters at Fort Sam Houston,
(6) The Western Department, with Headquarters at San Francisco,
(7) The Philippine Department, with Headquarters at Manila. P. I.
(8) The Hawaiian Department, with Headquarters at Honolulu, Hawaii.
You will be in one of these departments. Address your communication to
The Commanding General at his department headquarters.
Answer all official communications promptly. This is important. Letters
must be written, folded, signed as prescribed by the War Department.
Models illustrating the system are furnished by the Adjutant General's
office, Washington, D. C. Ind. is the abbreviation for indorsement.
(Correspondence Model)
COMPANY B, 40TH INFANTRY, Fort William H. Seward, Alaska, July
19, 1916.
From: The Commanding Officer, Co. B, 40th Inf.
To: The Adjutant General of the Army (Through military channels.)
Subject: Philippine campaign badge, Corporal John Doe.
Inclosed are lists in duplicate of the enlisted men of Company B,
40th infantry, entitled to the Philippine campaign badge.
John A. Brown,
Capt., 40th Inf.
1st Ind.
Hq. Ft. William H. Seward, Alaska, July 19th, 1916.--
To the Comdg. Gen., Western Department, San Francisco, California.
A. F. R.,
Brig.-Gen., Comdg.
2d Ind.
(Incl. is the abbreviation for inclosure.)
(Stamp) Rec'd Western Department, July 30, 1916.
(Note. This correspondence is not complete but it illustrates how to
write a military letter and indorsement.)