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Officers Reserve Corps
A Final Word
Now it is proper to consider your relation to your immediate superiors. You have no business commanding unless you have first learned how to obey. The finer the training and caliber of an officer, the more sensitive is he to the wishes of his co...
A Model Order For An Advance
Field Orders Hq. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, No. 6 Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Three inch Leavenworth 20 Aug. '08, 8 P. M. Map (1) Two ...
Advice To Officers
A company of infantry is composed of three officers and one hundred and fifty non-commissioned officers and privates. What a shame to have a private the mental and moral superior of those above him! The average American makes a first-rate soldie...
An infantry soldier goes into battle carrying 220 rounds of rifle ammunition. He habitually carries in his belt 100 rounds and when a fight is imminent he gets 120 rounds (2 bandoliers) from his combat train. He keeps 30 rounds in the right pocket...
Articles Of War
The Army is governed by the Articles of War, which can be found in the Army Regulations. Any laws, orders, et cetera, pertaining to the Army must not violate directly or indirectly any of the Articles of War. It is therefore desirable that each Re...
The chief duty of the artillery is to support the infantry. It does this in three ways: 1st, By firing at the hostile infantry. 2d, By putting out of action the hostile artillery so that it cannot fire at the infantry. 3d, By demolishing the obsta...
Assumption Of The Enemy
When reliable information of the enemy cannot be obtained, it must be assumed that he has sense and will act with excellent judgment. ...
Importance of the Bayonet. The infantry soldier is armed with a bayonet. He relies mainly on fire action to disable the enemy, but he should know that it is often necessary for him to cross bayonets with the enemy. Therefore he must be instructed ...
Bombs And Hand Grenades
The present European War has revived the use of hand grenades and bombs. A certain number of soldiers in each British and French battalion are trained as grenade throwers. Their principal weapon is a bucket or bag of grenades or bombs. They operat...
We recommend that all officers, non-commissioned officers and all privates who propose to work for advancement read the following books. All can probably be obtained from the Adjutant General of the Army, Washington, D. C. Any other military books...
This very important arm is the eye with which the general sees for many miles to the front and flank. In an advance it pushes ahead, combs the country for the enemy, disperses his cavalry, and thus protects the infantry in the rear. It locates the...
Correct Procedure In Giving The Main Part Of A Field Order
1st. Give the information of the enemy and of our own supporting troops (i.e., those who may come to our assistance in case of need) to your subordinates that will give them a clear understanding of the problem and enable them intelligently to coo...
Department Commander's Report
At the end of each calendar year department commanders and chiefs of staff corps and departments compile lists of members of the Officers' Reserve Corps under their command, showing: (a) Name, rank, age, and address. (b) Amount of instr...
Employment Of Air Craft On And Near The Firing Line In The Theater Of Operation
Airplanes will move far out, perhaps hundreds of miles, in front of our most advanced cavalry for the purpose of gathering general information of large bodies of the enemy's forces. This is called Strategical Reconnaissance. Other airplanes do mor...
Esprit De Corps
Have too much esprit de corps to complain of the length of the march, or to kick about the dust on the road. Be self-controlled. Don't boast of your ability to march on forever. Such remarks are depressing to a tired comrade who is not as physical...
Each applicant for a commission in the Reserve Corps will be given a rigid physical examination. Make certain that you can pass such an examination. Go to your family physician and get him to examine you. The examinations for Reserve Corps commi...
False Information
Unless instructions have been given to spread false information, all persons connected with the military service are forbidden to discuss the military situation, plans, movements, etc., with, or in the presence of, civilians of any age, sex or nat...
Field Orders
Field orders, whether written or oral, should follow a certain form. This decreases the probability of any vital part being left out and increases the probability of the receiver or reader understanding it. In the following form for an advance, ...
There are three kinds of fire: (1) Volley Fire. Every one fires at the command FIRE. It is used at funerals and occasionally in the first part of an action when the enemy presents a large, compact target. (2) Fire At Will. In this each soldie...
For An Advance
Field Orders (Title) No. ---- (Place) (Reference to map used) (Date and Hour) (1) (Information of enemy and of our Troops ...
General Advice
To become a first-class drillmaster is desirable and necessary. But, being one, you are not to be intrusted with the command of troops in the field unless you have gone much farther than that. To become an excellent drillmaster means simply that y...
General Ideas And Rules For Solving Military Problems
The cave man knocked over his foe with a rude club. The operation is greatly refined to-day. The technique of war changes with the ages, but human nature remains the same. Whether with grenade or gas, from submarine or aeroplane, a man after all p...
General Information Concerning The Officers' Reserve Corps
An officer in the Reserve Corps cannot, without his consent, be called into service in a lower grade than that held by him in the Reserve Corps. When a Reserve Officer reaches the age limit fixed for appointment or reappointment in the grade in...
Guard Duty
Guards are used in camp or garrison to preserve order, to protect property, and to enforce police regulations. The commander of the guard is an officer or non-commissioned officer. He performs his duties under the supervision of the officer of the...
The infantry is the principal and most important arm, which is charged with the main work on the field of battle and it usually decides the final issue of the combat. (Field Service Regulations.) The role (duty or job) of the infantry, whether off...
Intelligence Section General Staff
There is a special committee of the Great General Staff called the Intelligence Section, whose business it is to weigh and classify all information sent to it. Members of this committee are placed on duty with large organizations (for instance, a ...
Ordinarily infantry intrenches itself whenever it is compelled to halt for a considerable time in the presence of the enemy. (Infantry Drill Regulations.) Trenches are constructed with a view of giving cover which will diminish losses, but they mu...
Junior Division
A junior division of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps may be established at any institution to which an army officer has been detailed as the professor of military science and tactics, and which cannot meet the necessary requirements for the s...
Machine Guns
Before the present European War, machine guns were classified as emergency weapons. It was not believed that they could remain long in action, because they would soon be silenced by hostile fire (artillery and infantry). It was recommended, theref...
Meeting Engagements
When two hostile forces suddenly meet we have what is termed a meeting engagement. Very little or no reconnaissance is possible. There is an absence of trenches. Both sides deploy rapidly. The smaller the force the more frequently will it fight a ...
Military Correspondence
An official letter should refer to one subject only. In writing to the War Department address your letter to The Adjutant General of the Army, Washington, D. C. The United States (including colonies) is divided into the following departments:...
Military Maps
Definition. A military map is a drawing made to represent some section of the country, showing the features that are of military importance, such as roads, bridges, streams, houses, and hills. The map must be so drawn that you can tell the distanc...
Miscellaneous Information
For convenience, military information is considered under two heads, namely (1) that collected in time of peace by the body of army experts in Washington called the General Staff; and (2) that obtained by troops in the field after war has begun. T...
Night Operations
By employing night operations troops make use of the cover of darkness to minimize losses from hostile fire, to escape observation, to gain time. (Infantry Drill Regulations.) They are dangerous because control is difficult and confusion is freque...
The main object in placing obstacles in front of a defensive position is to delay the enemy while he is under the defenders' fire, and thus make his advance as difficult as possible. To accomplish this result they must be so placed that the enemy ...
Officers Reserver Corps
To make it possible to fill the gaps made in the Regular Army, by the heavy loss of commissioned officers which is inevitable in time of war and to make it possible to train large volunteer armies which are called into existence when war is immi...
In the absence of regulations on the subject, each Reserve Officer should own a good watch, a pair of field glasses, a compass, and a note book. ...
Reports To Be Made
Officers in the Officers' Reserve Corps are required to report at once to the Adjutant General of the Department in which they live or to the heads of the Staff Corps or Departments to which they may belong of any permanent change of address. If a...
Saluting distance is that within which recognition is easy. In general it does not exceed thirty paces. A junior, who is mounted, dismounts before addressing a senior who is dismounted. If the senior is mounted the junior does not dismount when ...
Selection Of A Camping Ground
Suppose that you were sent on ahead of troops on the march to select a camp ground for them, what big ideas should you bear in mind. 1. The ground should be large enough for the troops without crowding. In case of rain it should be easily draine...
Senior Division
A senior division of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps may be established at any university and college requiring of its students four years of collegiate study for a degree, and at essentially military schools which, as a result of annual insp...
When troops are sheltered under canvas (in tents), they are in camp. When they are resting on the ground without tents (for instance, on the firing line the night before or during a battle), they are in what is called bivouac. When they occupy bui...
Some General Hints
Clear and decisive orders are the logical result of definite and sure decisions. To guage[B] a man's caliber read his orders. You must not be hazy and indefinite in your order. You must be clear and definite. Be careful about your phrasing and e...
We recommend that each officer become familiar with the following summary: 1. Avoid combats that offer no chance of victory or other valuable results. 2. Make every effort for the success of the general plan and avoid spe...
The Big Ideas Of Marches
For marches to be entirely successful three conditions must be fulfilled: (1) the troops must get there; (2) they must get there on time; (3) and they must get there in good condition. Now suppose that you were ordered to conduct the march of a ...
The Difference Between Independent And Divisional Cavalry
The main difficulty in seeing the distinction between Independent and Divisional Cavalry consists in our forgetting that we have different kinds of organizations in the army as well as we have anywhere else. Let us clearly understand this: (1) ...
The Difference Between Strategy And Tactics
Strategy is generalship in its broadest conception. A strategist conceives and projects campaigns. He determines where armies and navies are to be sent. He is not concerned with the handling or manoeuvers of armies and fleets. He turns over those ...
The Land Forces Of The United States
You now are, or expect to become, a member of the land forces of the United States. Of what do the land forces of the United States consist? They consist of the Regular Army, the Volunteer Army, the Officers' Reserve Corps, the Enlisted Reserve Co...
The Logical Way To Estimate The Situation
1st. Consider exactly what you are to do, i.e., your mission as set forth in the orders or instructions under which you are acting or as deduced by you from your knowledge of the situation. 2d. Consider all available information of the enemy. Wh...
The Officers' Reserve Corps In Peace
During peace the Secretary of War can order any Reserve Officer to duty for instruction for a period not to exceed fifteen days in any one calendar year. While so serving, an officer will receive the pay and allowance of his grade in the Regular A...
The Officers' Reserve Corps In War
In time of actual or threatened hostilities the President can order officers of the Reserve Corps to temporary duty with the Regular Army, or as officers at recruiting rendezvous and depots, or on such duty as he may prescribe. An officer thus cal...
The Ration
A ration is the allowance (money) for the subsistence of one person for one day. It is based on the cost of a fixed amount of certain foods (such as meat, potatoes, bread, etc.) necessary for a workingman. As the cost of food in the different sect...
The Reserve Officers' Training Corps
The President is authorized to establish and maintain in civil educational institutions a Reserve Officers' Training Corps which shall consist of senior and junior divisions. ...
To Enter The Reserve Officers' Corps
The President is authorized, under such regulations as he may prescribe, to appoint in the Officers' Reserve Corps any graduate of the senior division of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps, who shall have satisfactorily completed the two-year co...
Organization commanders are responsible for all unauthorized material or supplies that may be put on their wagons. You should therefore become acquainted with the transportation attached to the smaller organizations. The wagons that carry your amm...
Use Of The Combined Arms
Every efficient officer must realize the possibilities and limitations of his own arm of the service as well as the possibilities and limitations of the other arms. Each arm of the service is necessary and important. A proper understanding of the ...
Withdrawal From Action
The withdrawal of a defeated force can generally be effected only at a heavy cost. (Infantry Drill Regulations.) When a withdrawal is necessary, make every possible effort to place distance and a rear guard between you and the enemy. Have one part...