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Military Handbooks
Assumption Of The Enemy
Military Handbooks:
The Plattsburg Manual
When reliable information of the enemy cannot be obtained, it must be
assumed that he has sense and will act with excellent judgment.
Attack And Defense
Advancing The Attack
It is now necessary to advance the attack to a point where the rifle is effective, so the attacking line can gain fire superiority. The attack which halts to open fire at extreme range (over 1200 yards) is not likely to ever reach its destination ...
Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Defensive
The defense has the following advantages over the attack: (1) Troops attacking afford a better target than the troops on the defensive. (2) A larger amount of ammunition is usually available. (3) The men can shoot better because they are no...
Advantages Of The Attack
(1) You can elect the point of attack while the defender must be prepared to resist at all points. (2) The fact that you are advancing in spite of the defender's fire stimulates you and depresses the enemy. (3) You leave your dead behind whil...
Advice Regarding Habits
Your life in camp in regard to food, exercise, hours of sleep, surroundings, and comforts, will differ greatly from that you lead as a civilian. You will submit your body to a sudden, severe, physical test. In order to prepare your body for this c...
Advice To Officers
A company of infantry is composed of three officers and one hundred and fifty non-commissioned officers and privates. What a shame to have a private the mental and moral superior of those above him! The average American makes a first-rate soldie...
To align the squad, the base file or files having been established: 1. Right (left), 2. DRESS, 3. FRONT. At the command dress, all men place the left hand upon the hip (whether dressing to the right or left); each man, except the base file, when...
An infantry soldier goes into battle carrying 220 rounds of rifle ammunition. He habitually carries in his belt 100 rounds and when a fight is imminent he gets 120 rounds (2 bandoliers) from his combat train. He keeps 30 rounds in the right pocket...
Appearance Of Objects
Become familiar with the effect which the varying conditions of light, background, etc., have upon the apparent distance of the object. Don't be content to memorize the following data, but go after the underlying reason in each case. Objects se...
Arm Signals
The following arm signals are prescribed. In making signals either arm may be used. Officers who receive signals on the firing line repeat back at once to prevent misunderstanding. Forward, MARCH. Carry the hand to the shoulder; straighten and...
Army Slang
The following army slang is universally employed: Bunkie--the soldier who shares the shelter half or tent of a comrade in the field. A bunkie looks after his comrade's property in the event the latter is absent. Doughboy--...
Articles Of War
The Army is governed by the Articles of War, which can be found in the Army Regulations. Any laws, orders, et cetera, pertaining to the Army must not violate directly or indirectly any of the Articles of War. It is therefore desirable that each Re...
The chief duty of the artillery is to support the infantry. It does this in three ways: 1st, By firing at the hostile infantry. 2d, By putting out of action the hostile artillery so that it cannot fire at the infantry. 3d, By demolishing the obsta...
Assumption Of The Enemy
When reliable information of the enemy cannot be obtained, it must be assumed that he has sense and will act with excellent judgment. ...
Attack And Defense
The European War has demonstrated more clearly than ever before two points in attack and defense. First, no people, or group of people, can claim a monopoly on bravery. They all move forward and give up their lives with the same utter abandon. C...
Back Step
Being at a halt or mark time: 1. Backward, 2. MARCH. Take steps of 15 inches straight to the rear. The back step is used for short distances only and is not executed in double time. If at order arms, the back step is executed at trail witho...
Importance of the Bayonet. The infantry soldier is armed with a bayonet. He relies mainly on fire action to disable the enemy, but he should know that it is often necessary for him to cross bayonets with the enemy. Therefore he must be instructed ...
Bombs And Hand Grenades
The present European War has revived the use of hand grenades and bombs. A certain number of soldiers in each British and French battalion are trained as grenade throwers. Their principal weapon is a bucket or bag of grenades or bombs. They operat...
We recommend that all officers, non-commissioned officers and all privates who propose to work for advancement read the following books. All can probably be obtained from the Adjutant General of the Army, Washington, D. C. Any other military books...
Broken Bone (fracture)
The next injury you must know is a broken bone. You will usually know when an arm or leg is broken by the way the arm or leg is held, for the wounded man loses control over the limb. Suppose your comrade breaks his leg or arm. What would you do? S...
Bullet Wound
If you receive a bullet wound, don't get excited or lose your head. A bullet wound in the muscle or soft parts of the body causes little pain and, if properly dressed, heals in about two to three weeks. Protect the openings where the bullet entere...
Do not pull the clothing from the burnt part, but rip or cut it off. Do not break the blisters or prick them even if large. Treatment: Protect it quickly with a mixture of equal parts of linseed or olive oil and water. ...
Camp Sanitation
In camp you are really your brother's keeper. It is the duty of every man to keep the camp clean, sanitary, and livable. Constantly bear in mind that a great number of men are living together in a very small area; that food is being prepared in the ...
Two men tent together--the front rank man and his rear rank file. Alter pitching your tent, get inside and level off the ground. Cut a drain around the tent to carry the water off; this should be done even in pleasant weather. In case you do not t...
Care Of The Feet
The infantryman's feet are his means of transportation. If you care for them properly, you will be rewarded. 1. Wash and dry the feet carefully and put on clean socks as soon as practicable after getting into camp. 2. Wash out the socks you h...