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General Information Concerning The Officers' Reserve Corps

Military Handbooks: The Plattsburg Manual

An officer in the Reserve Corps cannot, without his consent, be called

into service in a lower grade than that held by him in the Reserve


When a Reserve Officer reaches the age limit fixed for appointment or

reappointment in the grade in which commissioned, he will be honorably

discharged from the service of the United States and he will be entitled

to retain his official title, and, on occasions o
ceremony, to wear the

uniform of the highest grade he held in the Reserve Corps. The preceding

provisions as to ages of officers do not apply to the appointment or

reappointment of officers of the Quartermaster, Engineer, Ordnance,

Signal, Judge Advocate, and Medical Sections of the Reserve Corps.

A commission in the Reserve Corps will cover a period of five years,

except as provided in the preceding paragraph, unless sooner terminated

in the discretion of the President. An officer may be recommissioned,

either in the same or a higher grade for successive periods of five

years, subject to examination and age limits.

To become eligible for appointment as an officer of the Officers'

Reserve Corps a man must be not less than twenty-one years of age and

must be a citizen of the United States.

