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First Aid To The Injured

Military Handbooks: The Plattsburg Manual Advanced Training

In the army, as in civilian life, you are very often your brother's

keeper, as well as your own. Doctors cannot accompany a scout, a patrol,

or the firing line. They are seldom present when a man falls overboard.

When a soldier on the firing line is wounded, he may remain for several

hours where he falls. He, or his comrade, bandages the wound. Suppose

you are wounded, bitten by a snake, etc., what would you do? You may

have to give a practical answer to these questions at some time during

your life.

This chapter tells you what to do and what not to do in case of the most

frequent disabling accidents that may befall a soldier or a civilian.

Ask your mother, father, older brothers, and sisters to read it. Part of

it is for them.

