Fire Control
Military Handbooks:
The Plattsburg Manual
We have just described what the captain directs. Now we must put his
directions (orders) into effect. This is done through his platoon
leaders, assisted by the platoon guides and the corporals. 1st, The
platoon leaders point out and describe their part of the objective
(target) to the corporals. 2d, They assign a particular part of the
objective to each corporal with the view of covering equally with the
fire the entir
objective. 3d, They announce the range (distance to the
objective) to their platoons. 4th, If any part of the line cannot see
the objective, the platoon leaders must make the changes so that it can
see, or so that its fire will be effective. 5th, They order their
platoons to open fire at the proper time. Thereafter they observe the
target and make any necessary changes to keep the fire effective, i.e.,
fire fast or slow, according to the necessity, and are on the alert for
any commands or signals from the captain.
The platoon guides do one thing only: they watch the firing line and
check every breach of fire discipline. (See Fire Discipline, below.)
The corporals have four distinct duties. 1st, They transmit the commands
and signals to their squads when necessary. 2d, They observe the conduct
of their squads and abate excitement. 3d, They do all in their power to
enforce discipline. 4th, They participate in the firing.