General Hints And Cautions
Military Handbooks:
The Plattsburg Manual Advanced Training
1. Don't be afraid of the kick; it is more imaginary than real when the
sling is properly used, your shoulder properly padded, and the gun
properly held.
2. Rest your cheek, not your jaw bone, lightly against the small of the
3. Rest your right thumb along the right side of the stock and not on
top of it.
4. Blacken both front and rear sights, adjust and pla
e your arm in the
sling, and if possible set your sights while you are waiting your turn
to go to the firing point.
5. Approach and leave the firing point with your bolt drawn back. This
is to prevent accidents.
6. When not actually aiming, have your bolt drawn back.
7. Never attempt to force the bolt into the gun in case of a jam, but
ask a coach to fix it for you.
8. Don't allow the muzzle to touch the ground.
9. Don't rub your eyes while at the firing point.
10. When not actually aiming, rest the eyes by shading them or looking
at something green.
11. Clean the bore of your rifle before and after firing. After firing
it should be cleaned daily, until a rag run through it will not be
12. Clean the rifle from the breech.
13. Zero of rifle. Every rifle, owing to slight inequalities of boring,
sights, and the personal errors of the firer, shoots differently. When
you have ascertained its (rifle) and your own peculiar errors and you
know where to set your sights to counteract these constant errors, you
have determined what is commonly termed the zero of your rifle. To
illustrate, if you were shooting on a perfectly calm day (which is
essential) at the target from the 500-yard range, and you found that you
required one half a point left windage in order to hit the bull's-eye
when no wind is blowing, the zero of your rifle for that range would be
one half a point left windage.