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Military Handbooks
General Advice
A Disciplined Soldier
You will be expected to become quickly amenable both mentally and physically to discipline. A clear conception on your part of what drills are disciplinary in character and what discipline really is, will help you to become a disciplined soldier. ...
Advice Regarding Habits
Your life in camp in regard to food, exercise, hours of sleep, surroundings, and comforts, will differ greatly from that you lead as a civilian. You will submit your body to a sudden, severe, physical test. In order to prepare your body for this c...
Army Slang
The following army slang is universally employed: Bunkie--the soldier who shares the shelter half or tent of a comrade in the field. A bunkie looks after his comrade's property in the event the latter is absent. Doughboy--...
The uniform you will wear stands for Duty, Honor, and Country. You should not disgrace it by the way you wear it or by your conduct any more than you would trample the flag of the United States of America under foot. You must constantly bear in mi...
There are a few men in all companies who play, loaf, and who are constantly in trouble. As the good men in each company will not become friendly with them, they seek their acquaintances among the new men on whom they have a baneful influence. We w...
General Advice
The United States is divided geographically into military departments with a general officer commanding each department. The departments and their headquarters are as follows: (1) The Northeastern Department, with headquarters at Boston, ...
How To Clean A Rifle And Bayonet
Get a rag and rub the heavy grease off; then get a soft pine stick, pointed at one end, and with this point remove the grease from the cracks, crevices and corners. Clean the bore from the breech. When the heavy grease has been removed, the metal ...
Inoculations And Vaccination
As soon as you become a member of the army, whether as a private or as an officer, you will receive the typhoid prophylaxis inoculation and be vaccinated against smallpox. ...
Mail is most often delayed because there is not sufficient information for the Postmaster on the envelope. The delivery of your mail will be delayed unless your letters are sent to the company and the regiment to which you belong. Therefore, prepa...
Rules Of Conduct For Camp Life
The first few days will be easy and profitable if you will read carefully and adhere to the following plan of procedure: 1. Get up at the first note of reveille and get quickly into proper uniform. 2. Get within two or three feet ...
The military salute is universal. It is at foundation but a courteous recognition between two individuals of their common fellowship in the same honorable profession, the profession of arms. Regulations require that it be rendered by both the seni...
What To Bring
1. Travel light. Bring only the bare necessities of life with you. Don't bring a trunk. Enlisted men (not officers) will be supplied with all necessary uniforms and underwear. This includes shoes. 2. Bring a pair of sneakers, or ...
What To Do On Your Arrival
There is a general rule of procedure to follow in reporting for duty at any post or training camp. 1. If you receive an order directing you to report for duty at a camp or post at a certain specified time, read it carefully, put it ...