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Military Handbooks
School Of The Company
Suppose the company to be in line. In executing: 1. Squads right. The guides go to the left flank. 2. Right by squads. The guides go to the left flank. 3. Squads left. The guides go to the right flank. 4. Left by squads. ...
Extended Order Drills
As soon as your progress in close order is sufficiently advanced, you will be given extended order drill, which will teach you the formations used in battle, and how a firing line is controlled. They are executed at ease. We should know the mea...
Facing Or Marching To The Rear
Being in line, line of platoons, or in column of platoons or squads, to face or march to the rear: 1. Squads right (left) about, 2. MARCH; or, 1. Squads right (left) about, 2. MARCH, 3. Company, 4. HALT. Executed by each squad as described in th...
Field Exercises
These exercises, as well as combat exercises, are for instruction in duties incident to campaign. To receive the maximum benefit from them you must know the assumed situation of each exercise. ...
Fifth Movement On Right (left) Into Line
Being in column of platoons or squads, to form line on right or left: 1. On right (left) into line, 2. MARCH, 3. Company, 4. HALT, 5. FRONT. (On right [left] into line, means turn in the direction that is on your right and get into line. You hav...
Fourth Movement Column Right
Being in column of squads, to change direction: 1. Column right (left), 2. MARCH. At the second command the front rank of the leading squad turns to the right on moving pivot as in the School of the Squad; the other ranks, without command, turn...
Route Step And At Ease
The column of squads is the habitual column of route, but route step and at ease are applicable to any marching formation. To march at route step: 1. Route step, 2. MARCH. Sabers are carried at will or in the scabbard; the men carry their pieces...
Rules For Deployments
The command guide right (left or center) indicates the base squad for the deployment; if in line it designates the actual right (left or center) squad; if in column the command guide right (left) designates the leading squad, and the command guide c...
Rules For Guides
A guide is a noncommissioned officer or a private upon whom the company regulates its march. It is not difficult for an inexperienced man learn, with a little practice, the duties and the correct positions of a guide. Remember the rule of thumb...
School Of The Company
The company in line is formed in double rank with the men arranged, as far as practicable, according to height from right to left, the tallest on the right. The original division into squads is effected by the command: Count off. The squads, su...
Second Case
Now suppose the company is in column of squads at a halt. It is desired to form a skirmish line to the front: 1. As skirmishers, guide right (left), 2. MARCH. At the command march, the corporal of the first, or leading squad, deploys his squad ...
Sixth Movement Right Front Into Line
Being in column of platoons or squads, to form line to the front: 1. Right (left) front into line, 2. MARCH, 3. Company, 4. HALT, 5. FRONT. (Right [left] front into line means move to the right of the front and get into line. It is necessary to ...
Stack And Take Arms
The subject of stack and take arms is less important than the rest of this chapter. It is difficult to be learned from a book. Your company commander will explain it to you. It is given here to serve as a reference. Being in line at a halt: STA...
The Advance
The advance of a company into an engagement whether for attack or defense) is conducted in close order, preferably column of squads, until the probability of encountering hostile fire makes it advisable to deploy. After deployment, and before open...
The Assembly
The captain takes his post in front of, or designates, the element on which the company is to assemble and commands: 1. Assemble, 2. MARCH. If in skirmish line the men move promptly toward the designated point and the company is re-formed in lin...
To Diminish The Front Of A Column Of Squads
Being in column of squads: 1. Right (left) by twos, 2. MARCH. At the command march all files except the two right files on the leading squad execute in Place Halt; the two left files of the leading squads oblique to the right when disengaged and f...
Whistle Signals
There are only two kinds of whistle signals; a short last and a long blast. A short blast means pay attention, or look out for a signal or command. A long blast means stop firing for a minute (suspend firing). ...
1st Movement On The Fixed Pivot
Being in line, to turn the company: 1. Company right (left), 2. MARCH, 3. Company, 4. HALT; or, 3. Forward, 4. MARCH. [Illustration: SHOWING MOVEMENT HALF COMPLETED] Notice that the part of the company which has not completed the movement is ...
2d Movement On The Moving Pivot
Being in line, to change direction: 1. Right (left) turn, 2. MARCH, 3: Forward, 4. MARCH. Executed as described in the School of the Squad, except that the men do not glance toward the marching flank and that all take the full step at the fourt...
Close Order
In column of squads, each rank preserves the alignment toward the side of the guide. Men in the line of file closers do not execute loadings and firings. ...
To Form The Company
At the sounding of the assembly the first sergeant takes position 6 paces in front of where the center of the company is to be, faces it, draws saber, and commands: Fall in. The right guide of the company places himself, facing to the front, wh...