School Of The Company
Military Handbooks:
The Plattsburg Manual
The company in line is formed in double rank with the men arranged, as
far as practicable, according to height from right to left, the tallest
on the right.
The original division into squads is effected by the command: Count off.
The squads, successively from the right, count off as in the School of
the Squad, corporals placing themselves as No. 4 of the front rank.
At the formation of the c
mpany the platoons or squads are numbered
consecutively from right to left, and these designations do not change.
For convenience in giving commands and for reference, the designations,
right, center, left, when in line, and leading, center, rear, when
in column, are applied to platoons or squads. These designations,
right, center, left, when in line, and leading, center, rear, when
in column, are applied to the actual right, left, center, head, or rear,
in whatever direction the company may be facing. The center squad is
the middle or right middle squad of the company. If there are an even
number of squads in the company, for instance eight, the center squad
would be the fourth.
The designation So-and-so's squad or platoon may also be used.
During battle, these assignments are not changed; vacancies are filled
by non-commissioned officers of the platoon, or by the nearest available
officers or non-commissioned officers arriving with reinforcing troops.