Signals And Codes
Military Handbooks:
The Plattsburg Manual Advanced Training
Used for visual (except semaphore) and sound signaling, radio
telegraphy, on cables using siphon recorders, in communication with the
Navy, and in intra-field artillery buzzer communication.
A . -
B - . . .
C - . - .
- . .
E .
F . . - .
G - - .
H . . . .
I . .
J . - - -
K - . -
L . - . .
M - -
N - .
O - - -
P . - - .
Q - - . -
R . - .
S . . .
T -
U . . -
V . . . -
W . - -
X - . . -
Y - . - -
Z - - . .
1 . - - - -
2 . . - - -
3 . . . - -
4 . . . . -
5 . . . . .
6 - . . . .
7 - - . . .
8 - - - . .
9 - - - - .
0 - - - - -
Period . . . . . .
Comma . - . - . -
Interrogation . . - - . .
Hyphen or dash - . . . . -
(before and after the words) - . - - . -
Quotation mark
(beginning and ending) . - . . - .
Exclamation - - . . - -
Apostrophe . - - - - .
Semicolon - . - . - .
Colon - - - . . .
Bar indicating fraction - . . - .
Underline (before and after
the word or words it is
wished to underline) . . - - . -
Double dash (between preamble and address,
between address and body of message, between
body of message and signature, and
immediately before a fraction) - . . . -
Cross . - . - .
Note.--Numerals and punctuations must be spelled out in the ardois, as
they require more than four elements, which is the limit of the ardois
The position is with the flag or other appliance held vertically, the
signalman directly facing station with which it is desired to
communicate. The dot is to the right of sender, embracing an arc of
90 deg., starting with the vertical and returning to it. The dash is a
similar motion to left. Front is downward directly in front and
instantly returned to vertical; it indicates a pause or conclusion.
For communication between the firing line and the reserve or commander
in rear, the subjoined signals (Signal Corps codes) are prescribed and
should be memorized. In transmission, their concealment from the enemy's
view should be insured. In the absence of signal flags, the head dress
or other substitute may be used.
Letter of If signaled from the If signaled from the
Alphabet rear to the firing line firing line to the rear
A M Ammunition going forward Ammunition required
C C C Charge (mandatory at all Am about to charge if no
times) instructions to the
C F Cease firing Cease firing
D T Double time or rush Double time or rush or
F Commence firing Commence firing
F L Artillery fire is causing Artillery fire is causing
us losses us losses
G Move forward Preparing to move forward
H H H Halt Halt
K Negative Negative
L T Left Left
O What is the (R. N., etc.?) What is the (R. N., etc.?)
(Ardois and Interrogatory Interrogatory
. . - - . . What is the (R. N., etc.?) What is the (R. N., etc.?)
(All methods Interrogatory Interrogatory
but ardois
and semaphore)
P Affirmative Affirmative
R Acknowledgment Acknowledgment
R N Range Range
R T Right Right
S S S Support going forward Support needed
T Target Target