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A Model Order For An Advance

Military Handbooks: The Plattsburg Manual

Field Orders Hq. 1st Brigade, 1st Division,

No. 6 Fort Leavenworth, Kansas,

Three inch Leavenworth 20 Aug. '08, 8 P. M.

Map (1) Two regiments of hostile infantry

Troops are reported to have occupied Valley

(a) Advance Guard: Falls late this afternoon, en route for

. Easton. Small hostile cavalry patrols

1st Bn & 8 mtd. orderlies, were seen two miles east of Valley

1st Inf. Falls at 6 P. M. to-day.

1st. Plat. Tr. A. The remainder of our division is expected

7th Cavalry to reach Fort Leavenworth

(b) Main Body----in order to-morrow.

of March: (2) This brigade (less the 3d Inf.

Colonel B. which has been directed to hold the

1st. Inf. (less 1st Bn.) Missouri river crossing at Fort Leavenworth)

2d Infantry will march to-morrow to

Detachment 3d F. Easton to hold the crossings of the

Hosp. Big Stranger creek.

(3) (a) The advance guard will clear D at 5-15 A. M., marching

via the E--G--Atchison Pike--1--74--78--80--Q--R--Easton road.

Patrols will be sent via Lowemont to reconnoiter the crossings of

the Big Stranger near Millwood and via Mount Olivet to reconnoiter

those near 114.

(b) The main body will follow at a distance of about 700 yards.

(4) The baggage train (less that of the 3d Inf.), escorted by

one squad, 2d Inf., will start from D at 6-15 A. M. and follow to

P where it will await further orders.

(5) Reports will reach the brigade commander at the head of

the main body.

By command of Brig.-Gen. X:


Adjt. Gen.

Copies by Adjutant to Col. B. 1st Inf.

Col. C. 2d Inf.

Col. D. 3d Inf.

Maj. A. 1st Inf.

Capt. E. Tr. A 7th Cav.

Capt. F. Hospital Corps.

