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Military Handbooks: The Plattsburg Manual

We recommend that all officers, non-commissioned officers and all

privates who propose to work for advancement read the following books.

All can probably be obtained from the Adjutant General of the Army,

Washington, D. C. Any other military books (desired can be purchased

from the United States Infantry Association, Union Trust Building,

Washington, D. C.

(1) The Military Policy of the United States, by
en. E. Upton.

(2) The Guard Manual, United States Army.

(3) The Field Service Regulations, United States Army.

(4) The Drill Regulations of the arm of the service to which you are


(5) Non-commissioned Officers' Manual (War Department Publication).

(6) First Aid to the Sick and Injured (War Department Publication).

(7) Army Regulations (to be used as a book of reference when needed).

(8) Small Arms Firing Regulations (War Department Publication).

(9) A Manual for Courts-Martial, U. S. Army.

It is highly desirable for every Reserve Officer to place his name on

the mailing list at the Army Service School, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

This costs about $1 a year and in return the officer receives much

valuable information. Write to the Secretary for any further information

desired on this subject.

